My recent post (just prior to this) is getting on my nerves, so I feel compelled to create a new one! It includes several short recipes for food and products and a short rundown of recent happenings.
1. Sugar scrub - Lately I have become over concerned with the state of my face/skin. My entire life I have been remiss in maintaining a proper facial care regimen, never rinsing makeup off. I justify this because I don't use foundation, but apparently blush is bad for your pores too. And so is the dirt I gather when I walk Luna. So I have taken to properly taking care of my face. For the exfoliating part I made a sugar scrub. It has worked really well so far, and my skin feels awesome both immediately after and much later after I use it.
1/2 c olive oil
1 1/3 c pure cane sugar (although now, after I've used it for a week or so, I would suggest upping that to 1 3/4 cups)
essential oils (I used 10 drops of eucalyptus oil)
Vitamin E if you have it ( I didn't)
Mix this together and store it in an airtight container. I am using a sandwich tupperware container, because it's flat (easy to access the scrub and clean later on), and I keep it in the shower. But be careful not to let any water get in, because it can grow bacteria that way. I've used it every other day or so. The site I read said to throw it out after 2 months. But I have a feeling I'll be making a new batch by then anyway. Be careful not to exfoliate too hard like I did the first time! I found this great site about skin care:
I went to my boss's 60th birthday bash on Saturday evening. Amongst the food spread were slices of wraps, which I've never had. I liked them so much, I decided to make one.
large wrap tortilla (I used spinach)
1 grilled thinly sliced chicken breast, seasoned with garlic and lemon pepper
grilled slices of bell pepper
1 large romaine lettuce leaf
a slice of provolone cheese
a stalk of green onion
chipotle ranch dressing
I really enjoyed this combination of ingredients. Have y'all tried any other set of ingredients that you liked? Please share if you have!
A new friend has rejuvenated my desire to write fiction (or semi autobiographical "fiction"), and I'm happy about that. Along that same vein, I submitted a writing piece for evaluation to a new site in Eugene that is accepting applications for writers. Basically it's directed toward finding new things to do in the city. I hope that works out, but if not, I can still write, right? :-)
Father's day has come and gone. Dad's birthday is coming up. It has actually been easier than last year was. So that's good, right?
Tomorrow is my one-year anniversary at work. I have started watching Mad Men, and I really enjoy it. It's not Battlestar Galactica though.
1 week ago
Looking forward to reading some Brooke stories. Last year's milestones do seem a little easier to acknowledge now....
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