I was tagged by my sister!
8 T.V. Shows I watch:
1. Dexter
2. Pushing Daisies
3. Gossip Girl (embarrassed to admit that..)
4. The Hills (also embarrassed)
5. Brothers and Sisters
6. True Blood
7. Reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm
8. Anything on PBS
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Mijo’s (a-town)
2. Boo Boo’s (a-town)
3. Kincaids (Fort Worth)
4. Cuba Libre (Dallas)
5. Tillman’s Roadhouse (Oak Cliff, wha wha)
6. Café Soriah (Eugene)
7. Mac's Bar and Grille (a- town)
8. Salt Lick BBQ(outside of Austin)
8 Things that happened today:
1. I took Luna to work… in her Winter Sweater!
2. I slid through a stop sign/intersection…THAT was fun.
3. I paired lemonade with macaroni and cheese…my stomach hurts
4. I’m working from home…
5. I wore my new outfit (sequins and heels, can you believe it!?)
6. I discovered some new, great music
7. I went a whole day without obsessively checking my budget excel file…so far
8. I still did not find my AMEX
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Kendra’s party on Friday
2. Seeing my awesome, adorable and cuddly niece
3. Spending time with Mom, Sister and brother and their significant others
4. Hanging out with my amazing friends!
5. Ugly Pug, Shiner Bock, Gingerman, Caves, possibly the Shine.
6. Chateau Briand.
7. 25th birthday ok. I’m not looking forward to the birthday, but I’m looking forward to the present I’m buying myself
8. Going to San Diego in the Spring
8 Things I wish for:
1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/7UL5LR426RD8
2. A safe travel home and return
3. Something really callous that I can’t actually say.
4. Free heating!
5. That Luna doesn’t die of anxiety while I’m out of town
6. A great first 100 days (and first 4 years!) for President Obama
7. Less VooDoo economics from our senate and house
8. Duh..no debt!
8 People I tag:
2 months ago
Hey,Brooke. I also like Dexter and Gossip Girl. My favorite show, though, is 30 Rock. I'm picking up re-runs from Netflix. Hope you get some of those 8 things you wish for. Happy Christmas to you! ~Karol
Tell me the thing you couldn't say. Tell me tell me tell me now.
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