I have just emerged from a dense haze of pain and emotion. Had it not been for luna, quantum leap, marionberrry cobbler, and copious amounts of midol and ibuprofen, I'm not sure I or those around me would have made it out alive. I've got to be proactive and resolve this issue. But maybe there's something about being in a constant state of agonizing pain and doped up on chemicals that appeals to me.
I lost my phone yesterday. Tonight when I was taking out the trash I noticed it on the handrail of my porch. I don't know if I accidentally left it there overnight, if someone returned it, or what. Alls I know is it's acting up. Quien sabe? But... I do know that I felt great not having it. I felt free from the tethers of social convenience. I felt free from the compulsions of a connected world. I felt free. And already, as I am unable to type a coherent text due to its electrical malfunctions, I am plotting to buy a new phone. Maybe I won't. Perhaps I shall revert back to morse code...or even better smoke signals.
I am taking the Knowledge Exam tomorrow to hopefully obtain my Oregon driver's license. I am actually a bit nervous, as I know many, many people who have failed multiple times. I should be studying. Did you know there is such a thing as "unmarked crosswalks?" Basically, it's a place where a crosswalk line could potentially be drawn, but just hasn't been. I thought it was bullshit, too. Also, in the event of a four-way intersection with no stop sign, the "through street" has the right of way. Isn't that fairly relative? I mean...which street is more important - Monroe or 23rd? It's hard to say. At any rate, I hope to be legal tomorrow. I've been driving without a license since I inadvertently threw mine in the trash in August, which is when I last cleaned out my car.
My ladies book club met tonight. I love my ladies book club. Several people couldn't make it, but the smaller group worked out just fine.
Go Rangers.
2 months ago
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