Let me begin this post by affirming that I AM a Mavs Fan For Life. Dirk is my homeboy, and even when Mavs players leave our team to fight the good fight elsewhere, I still cheer them on. If Finley scores a 3-pointer against us, I still yell "DOOOWWWNNTTOOWWN."
Having said this, I have adopted the TrailBlazers as my team to watch this season. Such a drastic shift in support is due to a combination of circumstances.....and...sheer "entusiasmada" (enthusiasm..you'll understand the Spanish in a bit). It is mostly due to the fact that I only get local channels and can only watch local games. Also, my boss gave me 2 tickets to tonight's game against the Golden State Warriors. His season tickets are literally four rows up. It was crazy, and of course I forgot my camera. I LOVE watching basketball, and to be so close was beyond exhilirating.
And then.... I fell in love. The Blazers signed a new player from Spain named Rudy Fernandez. I was struck by his heartwrenching good looks. But once I moved past the love at first sight phase, I quickly realized...he's QUITE the ballplayer. Constantly keeping the communication lines open with his teammates, NOT hogging the ball, shooting...and shooting well, and having a GREAT attitude on the court (unlike the Warriors). He's incredible. What a great addition to the NBA. I AM SO EXCITED. I feel that he will be a key player in the hopeful success (but not tooooo successful - I've got my boys back home to think about) of this year's team.
Bienvenido Rudy!! Oh, did I mention the best part? He's got a blog!! I hope you can read Spanish :-)
2 months ago
Loved this POST!!!! Guess you all had a great time.....but....who won????? :)
Too bad we can't eat at Tillman's Roadhouse in Oak Cliff, see Mark, et'al, eat tableside S'Mores and truffle infused popcorn. Miss you---can't wait to see you at Christmas
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