I have this great area of my heart and sympathies which I reserve especially for old people. And when you combine that with people truly believe in their convictions and go forth to fight for them and are lambasted left and right by ...well, everyone, it creates this awful feeling inside me.
This is how I have come to feel immensely sorry for John McCain. He and I would probably never be friends, considering his lack of respect for women, but then again Larry David and I would probably never hit it off because our outlandish, oft-voiced insecurities and odd opinions would never allow it.
Starting back when he conceded to Bush in the primaries of 2004, McCain has morphed into this uber-Republican, only to be forsaken by the GOP. It's almost like they actually have a democrat running the group, and that's why all these terrible decisions and campaign maneuvers are actually happening.
It wouldn't have taken a genius to realize Palin would have been a mere firecracker to ignite the party, it just required some foresight. And despite all of her hot air, she can't keep the enthusiasm of Americans afloat. His campaign has stoked the coals of racism, anti-commie BS, and more of the old classic --- fear among the American people. Things have gotten out of control, and I truly believe this non-politician, whatever personality flaws he may have, is probably ready for it to be over.
Someone as matter of fact and...well...lacking composure as John McCain is not suited for the circus of Political America. And for that...I feel sorry for him.
Not sorry enough to vote for him, of course.
2 months ago
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