As you can tell, blogging has kind of gone to the wayside for me. But here's a quick update on my life:
The Trailblazers event was a fun, albeit alcohol-soaked evening. While no current players were there, some Blazer alumni were there. I ordered my vodka tonic while my shoulder rubbed against Jerome Kersey's elbow. I took $40 for gambling, but I immediately became bored upon entering the casino, so I opted to spend the majority of that! Some things never change.
I finally set up my hammock, and I am SO GLAD I did. We've had thunderstorms the past two nights, so after I walk Luna, I have just laid in the hammock listening to the thunder and waiting on the storm.
I had an awesomely delightful beer last night. Buffalo Bill's Brewery (loved by me for their Pumpkin Ale) has released their seasonal Orange Blossom Cream Ale.
Sarah leaves Peru today! I'm very excited to have her back in the US where we can talk on the phone a lot more :-) I can't wait to hear about more details from her trip.
Last night I made the most awesome hamburger I've ever had. I used meat from Knee-Deep Cattle Company, which specializes in free-range and certified humane meat products. I piled on the lettuce, tomatoes, and a few onions. SO good. I will probably make another tonight while I watch the....

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