I'm having a really hard time focusing at work right now. Why?
A) UPS guy just came. I actually managed to sputter out a conversation. But, probably from the rush of excitement, my asthma is acting up. I love him...like a lot. He is mellow and actually takes time to talk (or pet Luna all up on him when she was here). Plus he's incredibly hot.
B) 4th of July weekend. Need I say more? It's my favorite holiday for sure. My friend Candice is in town, and a group of us are camping at Crater Lake. It should be a BLAST! The weekend is kicking off tomorrow at Jasmine's for some good times and fireworks.
Ok, between UPS guy and 4th of July I think I have substantial cause for not being able to focus.
My power cord on my laptop died this weekend. After visiting Best Buy then calling Best Buy, it appears as though I have two free power cords (thanks warranty!) coming my way. UPS guy delivered one today :-).
I can already taste the tequila, ninkasi, forest air, and campfire. aaaahhhhhhh.
2 months ago
Have a GREAT weekend
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