I had a highly productive day. Work was busy, and I felt focused. After work I cleaned the house up and did dishes, walked the dog for awhile, stopped by the neighborhood picnic at a local park, and played frisbee with the dogs. Then I read Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince for awhile outside. I was tired and ready to watch the most recent episode of Weeds (I was counting on falling asleep in the middle of it) and dream away.
However I checked Facebook. A debate was brewing on a friend's page regarding universal healthcare. The person who held the opposite view made several wide generalizations, which I refuted in a not-so-coherent series of sentences. No, they didn't have flow. That wasn't my intention. He then unleashed an essay of further ridiculousness, to which I had no choice but to respond. Basically it turned into a pissing contest. This is why I don't truly argue politics or religion anymore. You're NOT going to change my mind, and chances are I'm not going to change your mind. That's why we vote for our representation.
I'm so beyond frustrated right now, I can't even think straight. I'm frustrated because in the past few days/weeks, I have seen more systematic racism and sexism than I'd like to ever see in my lifetime. I'm tired of the WASPs in the senate constantly referring to Judge Sotomayor's "latina passion." What the hell does that have to do with anything? If for no other reason, given her skills and qualifications, she should be appointed solely to represent an important and vast portion of American society. Also, people still refuse to admit that systematic racism exists in America. It's almost like the logic is "well we let them drink out of the same fountains and attend the same schools, so they should have caught up by now." Well that logic is so faulted. And frankly it covers up what I think most real sentiments are.
This isn't about being "liberal" or "conservative." This is about recognizing equals rights, abilities, and basic liberties among ALL people. And until that happens, our society cannot properly function.
2 months ago
I didn't know you had a blog. I am looking forward to reading it. I share your frustrations with what's going on in the Beltway.
All the best,
Human rights...we're all supposed to be human. Well said, Brooke
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