In short, yes.
With this new age and entry into the mid 20's, I acknowledge that I'm slowly slipping out of my formative years and into my "hardened with age" years. If there are still qualities, traits and habits I want to change, NOW is the time. I've been pondering upon this quite a bit tonight. The list is long, but not long enough to hate my current self.
At any rate, the whole weekend was great. Yesterday was filled with two hours of dog-parking/dog walking, two more hours of laser tag followed by dinner and games at a friend's house, then staying up and talking with my roommate. So I decided to sleep in to an inappropriate time today. Upon waking up I saw I had missed several well-wishing phone calls from my favorite individuals. After talking to all of them, I got some barbecue, which even turned out to be really good. Then my friend and I headed to see a Bijou matinee of Slumdog Millionaire, but it was sold out. So we went to the mall to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I have been wanting to see this movie, I read a couple of glowing blog reviews, and I was pleased.
The movie somewhat stunned me, because I found myself thinking about my dad during the whole thing. I can't place my finger on why, but I suspect the movie's reflections on aging and an aspect of fatherhood played a large role, as did the placement of Louisiana life and a few WWII scenes. Aside from that, it was the perfect movie to see on a 25th birthday where I find myself evaluating where I've been, who I've become, and where I'd like to go. I have a lot more I'd like to say about the movie, but I actually think I'd need to see it again and hopefully not be distracted by mournful thoughts of my dad. This movie made me miss him more desperately than anything I've encountered since his death, a feeling that occured in the first two minutes of the movie and lasted throughout.
The night ended with my roommate presenting me with a cake topped with 25 lit candles! She also gave me a pedicure set, which I promptly used while watching my ridiculous Sunday night shows.
And now that I'm getting old...I'm up way too late.
2 months ago
One day you'll look back at your
25th birthday blog and wonder what you were thinking about 25 being old! Enjoy being young--it doesn't stick around long enough. Explore. Create. Take risks! But I can tell you do that kind of stuff. You moved to Eugene, after all. : )
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