Just as the seasonal clock struck Winter, it was time for me to head home. My flight was scheduled to leave the Portland Airport at 3 on Monday, and I wanted to get there by noon (in expectation of long lines), so I left home at 9 am. After a fretful goodbye to Luna (fretful on her part, but she was satiated with a bone), I packed up my car and left. About 20 miles north of Eugene, it started snowing quite a bit. Then the snow was sticking. Then there was ice, and I was beginning to just see snow. It was about this time that everyone started driving slowly, so I decided to pull over and put my chains on. After a few F bombs, I managed to get them on and only cut hand a little in the process.
After a 4.5 hour trip, an accidental detour through downtown Portland (where I almost got stuck in a snowdrift of three feet), I made it to the airport! The lines at the Southwest counter were painfully long, but my airline, American Airlines, had no lines. Since I had extra time (my flight had been delayed an hour), I stopped to eat half a sandwich. Then I geared up for what I expected to be an hour wait in the security check. But the long line I assumed was for security was actually a wraparound from United's cancellation line. There was no line for security.
The rest is your typical flight situation. Very few AA flights left Portland, and evidently 300 travelers were stranded (although I had heard at one point 3,000....). I am *so* glad I was not one of them. The picture below is of the horizon around sunset over the clouds. The big white dot is Polaris .
My first day in Texas was pretty good. I spent most of it at my sister's house playing with my niece, and then Mom and I went to Mijo's to eat dinner with my brother and his family. Then I passed out for 2 hours, and proceeded to watch TV like it ain't no thing. I finally stopped halfway through that awful movie "Here on Earth."
When I came into my room to read and sleep, I saw Lexie neatly tucked into my suitcase. That little beast has lost about 15 pounds and is as spry as ever. And still does terribly cute things evidently.
Tomorrow I make an apple and pecan pie, help get ready for Christmas and put up lights in the yard. They're blue, so maybe we can pretend we're Jewish and celebrating Hannukah. That way it'll be ok to leave them up for a few extra days.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Head South for Winter
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
8 Things of Christmas? A nonblog.
I was tagged by my sister!
8 T.V. Shows I watch:
1. Dexter
2. Pushing Daisies
3. Gossip Girl (embarrassed to admit that..)
4. The Hills (also embarrassed)
5. Brothers and Sisters
6. True Blood
7. Reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm
8. Anything on PBS
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Mijo’s (a-town)
2. Boo Boo’s (a-town)
3. Kincaids (Fort Worth)
4. Cuba Libre (Dallas)
5. Tillman’s Roadhouse (Oak Cliff, wha wha)
6. Café Soriah (Eugene)
7. Mac's Bar and Grille (a- town)
8. Salt Lick BBQ(outside of Austin)
8 Things that happened today:
1. I took Luna to work… in her Winter Sweater!
2. I slid through a stop sign/intersection…THAT was fun.
3. I paired lemonade with macaroni and cheese…my stomach hurts
4. I’m working from home…
5. I wore my new outfit (sequins and heels, can you believe it!?)
6. I discovered some new, great music
7. I went a whole day without obsessively checking my budget excel file…so far
8. I still did not find my AMEX
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Kendra’s party on Friday
2. Seeing my awesome, adorable and cuddly niece
3. Spending time with Mom, Sister and brother and their significant others
4. Hanging out with my amazing friends!
5. Ugly Pug, Shiner Bock, Gingerman, Caves, possibly the Shine.
6. Chateau Briand.
7. 25th birthday ok. I’m not looking forward to the birthday, but I’m looking forward to the present I’m buying myself
8. Going to San Diego in the Spring
8 Things I wish for:
1. http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/7UL5LR426RD8
2. A safe travel home and return
3. Something really callous that I can’t actually say.
4. Free heating!
5. That Luna doesn’t die of anxiety while I’m out of town
6. A great first 100 days (and first 4 years!) for President Obama
7. Less VooDoo economics from our senate and house
8. Duh..no debt!
8 People I tag:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Blazers, Blizzard and a Beagle
Labels: blazers, luna, Rudy Fernandez, snow
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Labels: hanson
Tis the Season
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rejoicing and Being Glad in the Day the Lord Made
I never fully appreciated the glory of a Saturday until I had my first hangover in college, and I realized I could languish in my bed listening to music and sipping on Vanilla Coke -- at least until someone knocked on my door to drag me to lunch.
My gratefulness for Saturday evolved when I discovered the amazing show lineup KERA had on PBS on Saturdays. From about 11 am to 4 pm, I could enjoy shows like Daisy Cooks, Mexico: One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless, America's Test Kitchen, Ask This Old House (I love love love Kevin O'Connor), and my favorite lazy Saturday show: New Yankee Workshop. I would watch these as I read, wrote papers and then prepared for an evening at the Blue Door Cafe waiting tables and goofing off with my pals.
Now that I am a contributing member of society with a regular 8-5 job, I have a whole new deeply affectionate feeling towards Saturdays. It's not that I dislike my job, I actually love it! There was a time when (Dallas job) I would suffer from the Friday at 4 pm twitches, craving vodka to wash away the tensions of the previous week. Saturday was a day reserved for recuperation as I watched Curb Your Enthusiasmwith my dad before I went out to drown my stress again.
But here I am just pleased to have large blocks amount of time to do things I enjoy or need to accomplish. It's only 11 am, and I have already managed to type a little bit on a story I'm developing. I ate breakfast. I'm enjoying Fleet Foxes music, and I have downloaded some songs I adore. And I still have an entire day to accomplish:
1. going up Spencer's Butte or Mt. Pisgah with Lunar Module
2. sweeping, mopping, dish washing and other domestic tribulations
3. lunch
4. baking a dessert for a night of dining with girlfriends
5. stop by the library
6. read a little in my book
7. girl's night!
I love Saturdays!!!!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
(Not So) Common Sense

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Deer in the Headlights
I almost hit a buck deer pulling into my driveway tonight. He merely looked at me, and if he had shoulders, he would've shrugged them, and he strolled to the neighbor's yard.
What he doesn't know is that I love venison.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Spencer Butte Morning
Some pics from hiking up Spencer Butte this morning... I'll have to go back when it's not so foggy and take pictures of the city.
Labels: spencer butte
While I love Eugene and the many wonders it has to offer, I also adore (and miss) big cities and all THEY have to offer. So today while I was looking online for a book called The Lost Steps, and I discovered that Powell's in Portland has it, I decided to head North.
I've been to, through and around Portland. I've been to the airport three times and the Rose Arena once, and that pretty much covers my experience with Portland. Being two hours away, I really need a good excuse to go, and I also need a nice list of things to occupy my time while I'm there. Because while I might drive 3 hours to see a lake in an old volcano, driving 2 hours to go shopping is a bit ridiculous. My first stop was Powell's bookstore, which I have heard a bit about from people in my book club. For those of you who have been to the Half Price Books on Northwest Hwy in Dallas....you ain't seen nothin' yet. Powell's is ginormous. For those of you who have been to Booked Up in Archer City, TX....you're on the right track. The store itself is actually several different buildings housing several "types" of books. I mistakenly went into the Technical Books building first, but I walked out with a cool gift for a coworker for secret santa and a book for myself called Coma. Eventually I made it to the main store on Burnside. Because of the Wordstock Festival going on, the place was beyond packed. Lines to get in, lines all over the place. I really had been looking forward to aimlessly wandering around with my mouth slightly ajar and drool dripping onto my shirt. But with all these hipster Portlanders around, I had to keep my cool. Plus my parking meter was going to run out soon. The book I needed was on the first set of shelves, so I grabbed it and found a parking place in line.
I decided to get a little lost in the Pearl District on my way back to the car, and ended up going to Lexi Dog, which was enticing because A) I have a dog named Lexie back home in Texas and B) Luna is spoiled. It's a "boutique and social club" for dogs. They had a wide variety of treats (organic and homemade) and special birthday-ish treats. Apparently you can actually host a dog birthday party there for a nominal fee of $110. I think Luna enjoyed her day at the arboretum just fine. I walked out with a relatively cheap package of Duck and Potato treats for the dogs at home. The election gear for dogs was half off, but there were no Obama shirts for Luna, and she is not a member of the Democrat or Republican parties, and that's all they had.
Then I called my friend (actually the girl who lived in my room before me) to see if she wanted to grab some dinner at Al Amir, an Eastern food restaurant my old roommate suggested. In the meantime I decided to cruise around Portland, and I almost killed a biker (it totally wasn't my fault...but he still fell off of his bike and cussed me out, which I probably would've done too if I was him. But I maintain that it wasn't my fault). I found my way easily to the restaurant, with no bikes stuck on my front bumper. I really enjoyed the food! I got the Lamb Shawarma and hummus. Then we went back to her house, where I met her roommates, and we all watched some TV, sipped some homemade pear wine, and then I left.
All in all, I got a decent dose of city life, although I wish I had stopped in a couple of art galleries. I always feel guilty for not buying when I go into them though.
Labels: al amir, lexi dog, portland oregon, powell's bookstore
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I have this great area of my heart and sympathies which I reserve especially for old people. And when you combine that with people truly believe in their convictions and go forth to fight for them and are lambasted left and right by ...well, everyone, it creates this awful feeling inside me.
This is how I have come to feel immensely sorry for John McCain. He and I would probably never be friends, considering his lack of respect for women, but then again Larry David and I would probably never hit it off because our outlandish, oft-voiced insecurities and odd opinions would never allow it.
Starting back when he conceded to Bush in the primaries of 2004, McCain has morphed into this uber-Republican, only to be forsaken by the GOP. It's almost like they actually have a democrat running the group, and that's why all these terrible decisions and campaign maneuvers are actually happening.
It wouldn't have taken a genius to realize Palin would have been a mere firecracker to ignite the party, it just required some foresight. And despite all of her hot air, she can't keep the enthusiasm of Americans afloat. His campaign has stoked the coals of racism, anti-commie BS, and more of the old classic --- fear among the American people. Things have gotten out of control, and I truly believe this non-politician, whatever personality flaws he may have, is probably ready for it to be over.
Someone as matter of fact and...well...lacking composure as John McCain is not suited for the circus of Political America. And for that...I feel sorry for him.
Not sorry enough to vote for him, of course.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
All Functions in Life Have a Cutoff Point
The other day I went to the Lane County Elections office to give them my updated address, because we vote by mail here (weird, huh?). As I walked in, an older man was rushing into the office and made a beeline for the first attendant.
"I need to register to vote!" He exlaimed.
The calm, burly man behind the counter explained that the last day to register was October 4th, but perhaps he had registered before and could simply update his address.
"No. I've never registered to vote. I need to vote!"
The two went back and forth a bit, and finally I heard the attendant say, "All functions in life have a cut off point."
This statement sent me soaring into my own thoughts, and I didn't hear the wannabe voter's response. First I was struck by the truth that this election is bringing people out of the woodwork. This man had NEVER registered to vote, an idea completely foreign to me. He was at least sixty years old. But something about this election was sending him into a frenzy. He acted like people do in the ER when their child's head is bleeding out, as though this was a matter of life or death.
The election attendant is right. There is a cutoff point, but not just for registering to vote. For all functions in life. This has been a year filled with both exciting new beginnings and very sad, difficult goodbyes. The old cliche is true.. as one door closes, another opens. You can't hang in the rafters forever gazing at a bunch of doors left slightly ajar. It's often hard to identify the cutoff point. When do I say "ok, I'm going to end this now" or "This is the time to start something new." It's a difficult course to chart, but making those definitive decisions is what allows us to change and grow.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
autumn night
Tonight was a great Autumn night. The moon was full, the air was crisp, and the mood was calm.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Labels: bill maher, religulous
Thursday, October 9, 2008
MFFL....I swear
Let me begin this post by affirming that I AM a Mavs Fan For Life. Dirk is my homeboy, and even when Mavs players leave our team to fight the good fight elsewhere, I still cheer them on. If Finley scores a 3-pointer against us, I still yell "DOOOWWWNNTTOOWWN."
Having said this, I have adopted the TrailBlazers as my team to watch this season. Such a drastic shift in support is due to a combination of circumstances.....and...sheer "entusiasmada" (enthusiasm..you'll understand the Spanish in a bit). It is mostly due to the fact that I only get local channels and can only watch local games. Also, my boss gave me 2 tickets to tonight's game against the Golden State Warriors. His season tickets are literally four rows up. It was crazy, and of course I forgot my camera. I LOVE watching basketball, and to be so close was beyond exhilirating.
And then.... I fell in love. The Blazers signed a new player from Spain named Rudy Fernandez. I was struck by his heartwrenching good looks. But once I moved past the love at first sight phase, I quickly realized...he's QUITE the ballplayer. Constantly keeping the communication lines open with his teammates, NOT hogging the ball, shooting...and shooting well, and having a GREAT attitude on the court (unlike the Warriors). He's incredible. What a great addition to the NBA. I AM SO EXCITED. I feel that he will be a key player in the hopeful success (but not tooooo successful - I've got my boys back home to think about) of this year's team.
Bienvenido Rudy!! Oh, did I mention the best part? He's got a blog!! I hope you can read Spanish :-)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Welcome to the Goondocks
NOTE: Turn up your speakers to hear "The Goonies R Good Enough" by Cyndi Lauper... And if you want to see a larger version of any of the pictures, just click on it.
For those of you who don't know, the cult classic The Goonies was mostly filmed in Astoria, Oregon. As a huge fan of this movie, I cannot possibly reside in Oregon without sojourning to this Mecca for children of the 1980s. So today I hauled Luna on what I thought would be a 8 hour day trip to Astoria and Cannon Beach in Northwest Oregon to see the sites. You may be thinking "Why in Buddha's name would she waste all that gas driving to see something so lame?" Well, part of the fun IS the drive and seeing everything along the way. Also, if you're asking yourself that question, you just don't get the Goonies.First of all, Luna was not happy on the first leg of the trip. I think she figured we were just going to the dog park, and when we hit the highway, she let it be known this was NOT what she had in mind for her Saturday.
After four hours of driving, we arrived in Astoria. It is an ADORABLE town. Right on the Columbia River, the houses are all uniquely painted and scattered throughout the hillside. I loved it!
I easily found the Goonies house. To get to it, I had to park my car on the street and walk up a small hill of a driveway that led to several houses. I was disappointed to discover they had someone there working on their house, and the van was blocking the perfect picture angle! So I had to be a gawking tourist and stand directly in front of the house and surreptitiously take pictures. These are the best I could do!
And a view of the Goondocks from the house!
The school from Kindergarten Cop:
Then I headed to Ecola State Park outside of Cannon Beach. This is also where part of the movie was filmed, along with the ending of Point Break (Keanu Reeves...). Most of the bike scene (where Brand gets pushed off of Data's sisters bike) was filmed in the entrance drive to the State Park. Probably one of the windiest, tree-heavy roads I've ever been on...but very cool! I really, really enjoyed this state park. I look forward to going again to go whale watching (apparently a prime spot), sea lion watching, and more beach exploration! From the awesome vantage point, I could see the Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, the Sea Lion Rock (a natural arch rock where a myriad of animal life thrives), Haystock Rock (see below) and plenty of fun trails to hike :-).
A view from the driftwood. It was very misty.
Seagulls on the Sea Lion Rock
Luna was not interested in having her Sea Portrait taken.
A great place to soak up some rays....when the sun is out.
The next stop was Cannon Beach, an absolutely ADORABLE town. It was definitely a tourist type place, with tons of little shops and cafes. It kind of made me wish I hadn't spent all of my money on gas to get there! But I can always go back. The houses were cute. It was in a Tsunami Hazard Zone (as much of Hwy 101 is). Despite that, I would definitely love to vacation there some time in the future.
I was able to get a photo of Haystack Rock. This rock is famous from the movie when Mikey holds up the coin and determines they are in the right spot for treasure hunting.After that I was pretty much Goonie-d out. But I still had about a 4.5 hour drive home. Sadly, when I went into Walgreens to buy batteries for my camera, I came back to discover Luna had eaten the drumstick bone and chicken wing bone from my lunch that I forgot to throw away. As of yet there haven't been any problems... So she was pretty lazy for the rest of the trip and just laid in her bed in the backseat.
I stopped at a viewpoint and got a couple of pretty snapshots of the sun filtering through some clouds and shedding some light on the ocean. As dark and gray as it was, it really brightened up those spots.
The rest of the drive home went smoothly, with some patches of rain, lots of dark, curvy oceanside roads, and great Sirius radio music. A road trip to people traveling through Oregon...instead of counting out-of-state license plates or slug bugs, count the number of drive-thru espresso shops. You WILL be astounded. I didn't...I might be dorky enough to go on this daylong venture, but I'm not dorky enough to have a espresso shop counting contest with myself...
Now...I might watch The Goonies..my coworker lent me her copy!
Labels: Astoria, Cannon Beach, Ecola State Park, Goonies, goonies house, Haystack Rock, Indian Beach