I think it's widely accepted that moving, in general, is a huge hassle. No one (at least no one sane) really looks forward to packing your goods, transporting those goods, and then unpacking them upon arrival at your new destination. Hardly anyone loves searching for a place to live. These are headaches that come along with the most mundane moves, whether it be to college after high school all the way up to moving cross-country. This is normal.
I am finally stressed out about moving cross country. It hasn't really happened yet, but here I am with two weeks left in Texas, and I'm on the verge of having a coronary attack. There's all sorts of obligations, necessary evils, and plenty of fun things I need to do before I leave. I've gotta see all the buddies. This is one of the things I thoroughly enjoy doing. Eating tortas on a Monday night? FUN. Getting sloshed in Denton on a Saturday? FUN. Taking a mini road trip up to Sherman for my last meal (probably ever) at the Blue Door Cafe? FUN. Rangers game? FUN. You get the idea. But you also can probably imagine how all this is keeping my time schedule pretty full.
Then there's work. I've got to tie up loose ends, type up procedures and "how tos" for whoever comes along next. Just general work stress with a more fatalistic deadline.
And of course, the packing. I'm actually not taking much. I'm shipping all of my books, music and movies that I decide to keep (media mail!). I'm going to get rid of a lot of clothing. And we're having a garage sale this weekend to hopefully pawn off things like...oh my toaster oven I've NEVER used, but have had for four years. Hopefully I'll get rid of things AND cash in.
Then I've gotta make sure Luna is up to date on all of her vaccinations, etc. Especially because I'm boarding her the first weekend we're in Oregon (not happy about that one)! I'm also in dire need of a haircut (to be done tonight) and an eyebrow wax. I got my car checked out yesterday. Of course there was a big hassle in that. Then I went to the dentist...and oh by the way -- you've got a cavity! I got that filled yesterday.
The largest and most awful thing I have to deal with is getting rid of my car. Piece. of. Crap. That's it. I'm putting the ad on craigslist today. I don't know if I'm being sentimental, lazy or just plain don't know what to do so I don't deal with it at all. Probably a mixture of all of those. Either way, that neon has got to go.
I am one of the worst procastinaters I know. I also despise obligations. But I guess I'm getting it done. I am, afterall, on a deadline.
2 months ago
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