Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. He would've been 87 years old, and thinking of the day he was brought into this world and changed it forever makes him not being here all the more difficult.
Some people come into life and merely go along with the flow. Some people come into life and make great splashes in the water announcing their arrival everywhere they go. Some people come and are the gentle waves that shape the landscape of the shore, never to be replicated again. This was my dad. Never satisifed with being less than he knew he could and never willing to "show out" (as he would say), he accomplished many great things in his 86 some odd years.
Growing up on a farm in northern Louisiana, he learned to make do, stick with family, and to never take anything for granted. He came out of humble beginnings and used his sharp wit and self-created sense of right and wrong to make his place in the world. He served in World War II in the Coast Guard, seeing action in the Pacific theater. I could tell where exactly he was and if he shot down any Japanese planes. But that's not what I got out of his stories from the War. He told me about the time he overheard privates complaining about the barber. Apparently, if they didn't tip him, he would give them a bad haircut. Well, my dad was having none of that and apparently told the barber so. When I was in high school, an old shipmate of my dad's finally tracked him down after years of searching. We learned ( I can't remember if Dad told me or if Mr. Foster did) that Dad would make sandwiches for the men on duty overnight. My dad also kept a journal of their travels, even though this was strictly forbidden. But he had his ways. These are the things I remember my dad telling me about those days.
Then he went on to medical school and started practicing medicine. He was a general practitioner, and so he pretty much dealt with the whole gamut. During these times, practicing in a small town, he had to obey both his personal code and that of a doctor's oath, and often these conflicted with those of his patients', but he managed to make his sound advice heard. Hundreds of babies were borne into this world with his hands. Many people took their last breath under his watchful, understanding eye.
But more than a doctor or a WWII veteran, he was my Dad. If there's any life he changed forever, it's the lives of my siblings, me and my mother. Perhaps I was a bit spoiled, as he was well on his way to semi-retirement by the time I was in elementary school. I have so many memories of him, picking me up at school and going for lunch in the park, going to the YMCA pool on a Sunday afternoon, going to Church and hearing his light snores, rattling his spoons in the car (his stick-shift, loud, grumbling truck) while Beausoleil or Scottish bagpipes blared through the speakers, him at the backstop at my softball games insisting I can hit the ball, mowing the lawn and coming in for a concoction of iced tea and orange juice, us both taking great joy out of the antics of our dogs, and I could go on.
And now, I can see all of this so clearly. It's almost as if a movie reel is in my head. I can hear his voice. But then my eyes and mind adjust to reality before me, and it's unbearingly clear that he is not here. A life and light that once shone brightly and lit up my world has been blown out. But I guess on a birthday I shouldn't focus on the fact that the light is gone. I should be grateful that the light ever shone upon me.
Thanks Dad, and Happy Birthday. We miss you.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Back in the Grind
I have a job! After several weeks of stressful job searching, I finally came across a Craigslist ad for a job that was not only appealing, but seemed like something I could do! So I contacted the temp agency, and she had me come in for an interview and some skill testing. All went well, and I had an interview with the actual company for which I'd be working. They liked me, I liked them, and we decided to give it a go.
The actual nonprofit is called Integrated Research Services, Inc., and their "mission" so to speak is The Prevention Researcher ( This is a quarterly journal featuring five research articles pertaining to adolescents. Each issue focuses on one topic (Bullying, Adolescent Children of Alcoholics, Teens and Community are just to name a few), and they try to find a combination of what's new and innovative in the field, in-depth research, and something that fills the holes of research that is currently known.
My role will be to keep track of the subscriptions and new orders. The organization seems to be expanding in its ways of outreach, and they say there are a lot of opportunities for creativity and professional growth. There are six people working there, and it seems to be a wonderfully cohesive unit.
I'm excited! This is great, as I'd like to get into publishing later in life. I've worked there two days so far, and it's gone really well. I think I have a pretty good idea of how things work there, so I won't be in the dark forever... which is nice.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Yesterday I made two of the most delicious meals ever. The first I made with some leftover hamburger meat that I saved from when I made tacos last Friday. It was a lot more than I anticipated, and I didn't have a hamburger bun (just bread), but it was still delicious. I just rolled it up and flattened the pattya little bit. I watched a show about hamburgers, and it said to just let it cook and not to squeeze down it or the juices would all come out.
So I threw the patty on a hot pan, covered it with a lid, and let heat run its course. About when it was close to being done I sprinkled some cheese I had bought for tacos on it and added a slice of monterrey jack cheese. Despite the fact I was forced to eat it on bread, it was one of the best hamburgers I'd EVER had.
For dinner I had planned to make some chicken kabobs. These were SO delicious I'm going to tell you the recipe as best I can (I don't use measuring devices, so bear with me)
1 onion
I used a packaged of red and orange sweet bell peppers
1 Tbsp of minced garlic
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of cayanne pepper
1/2 tsp of chili powder
1/4 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of pepper
2 Tbsp of olive oil
stir ingredients together
after cutting the vegetables up in your desired size and shape, place in tupperware container and stir in marinade. Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours.
2 large chicken breasts
Chicken marinade:
I used Newman's Own Roasted Garlic and Parmesan salad dressing
Chili Powder
Cayanne Pepper
3 Tbsp of salad dressing
1/2 tsp of chili powder
1/2 tsp of cayanne pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of pepper
(feel free to add some lemon juice..I just didn't have any handy)
mix well
Cut into small (2x2 in) pieces. After you've cut up one breast, place the pieces in a tupperware container and pour half of marinade over it. Then place the rest of the chicken pieces in the container and pour the rest of the marinade over it. It would be helpful if you could either stir and handle the chicken to make sure each piece is properly coated. Cover container and shake gently. Refrigerate at least 8 hours.
I then used an outdoor grill. This should make at least 10 skewers worth.
Il Postino
Our postman hates me. It all started with a neon green paper in our mail asking if this was the correct mailing address for Brooke Lusk. Because I wasn't sure what time the postman comes, I hadn't filled it out when he came the next day. So he rang the doorbell. I saw it was him and quickly filled out the sheet and brought it to the door.
"So you're living here now?" said the Postman.
"Yes, I just moved in," I politely responded.
"Well nobody told me that," he retorted.
In a small voice I said "I'm sorry."
And that was that. Several days later I got a postcard from the library welcoming me as a new member. It was addressed to Lydia rather than Brooke. This must have really thrown the Postman for a loop. I was driving on a side street, coincidentally to open a PO Box, and the Postman waved to stop me.
"Brooke! Do you go by Lydia?"
"Well no. I go by Brooke, Lydia's my first name."
He waved his free arm wildly in the air, "Well now see I didn't know that!"
The Postman hates me. I brought this issue up with my roommate, and he laughed and recounted several similar stories to me that he had experienced. I felt better.
So please don't put any nicknames on any letters you might feel compelled to send me. He WON'T appreciate that.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
a quieted voice
I have probably the world's cutest beagle. But that's just my opinion. She's so lovable, so sweet, but despite all of this she does have a wild side. Mom tells me that's my punishment for being such an independent-minded kid. Whateva, whateva..I do what I want.
Well MOST people know that beagles have issues howling, and Luna is certainly no different. This issue has been the 2nd most sour point (second only to her running away) of our mother/daughter relationship. Today for some unknown reason she was really on a tear! Howling pretty much nonstop and for no apparent reason. Well sure enough a neighbor came over to complain. It was just a matter of time, and he was really nice about it. Shortly before he arrived, I had been researching bark control collars online. The thought of getting a collar like that for Luna breaks my heart. I feel like a parent whose estranged child was just sent to jail for turning tricks on a street corner. Where did I go wrong? I really have tried. Is it my fault that she ate Papa Johns butter garlic sauce and got really sick the first day of training class? Yes, I suppose it is. But I still feel like a failure as a mom.
But it was time. What else could I do? Spanking won't do anything, and frankly I'm not sure having a trainer would either. She's a beagle, she will howl. She will howl at a bug jumping from grass blade to grass blade, she will howl at pedestrian strolling alongside our fence, she will howl "just to hear her own voice."
So I sucked it up and went to Petsmart to get the collar. $100 and a few tears later, she is sitting, confused and what I might call lifeless (in that all of her spark has been taken out of her), on a pile of clothes in my room. At first she liked her new "necklace" (that's what I call her collar). But then she heard another dog bark and proceeded to run and meet it with the ire of a thousand demons.... and she was stopped short. One bark! She looked frantically around her to figure out what the hell had just happened. Sniffing, licking the grass, rocks, her paws..everything. She trotted off in the other direction and tried again. BARK! Again, she commenced researching the source of her aggravation. All of these test barks ended with a high pitched alarm that I did not know her voice box was capable of producing.
Sullenly she marched around the yard, wondering how she was going to spend her days. I stood leaning on the porch railing with tears flooding my eyes. I feel like I have taken her second most precious piece of life (her sniffer is first) away from her. I'm worried she's going to become depressed. I'm worried that she won't care about getting shocked in a few days, and she'll just continue to howl, and what then? My apologies to her don't fix this suffocation on instinct. But she's Luna. And she'll love me no matter what.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Favorite Things
LOVE about Oregon:
1. The weather - Granted it is June, and so the constant rain and gray has yet to arrive, but the sunny yet bearably warm days have been so wonderful. I have been able to sit in a chair in my backyard and read a book without breaking a sweat.
2. The neighborhoods - Here is a link to the Friendly Area Neighbors if you want to learn more about where I'm living this summer.

5. My dogs, Katy and Lexie.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
beachy keen, jolly green
The beach!
Monday, June 16, 2008
settling in
After I got back from my best good friend's wedding in Vancouver, B.C. I decided it was time to hit the job search harder than Juan Gonzalez hits a baseball. So I spent several days as a couch potato, surfing the internet for jobs. It was cold and gray here the first few days, and although that was very disappointing it worked out perfectly for vegging out on the couch.
The front porch
The couch where I've spent a shameful amount of hours looking for jobs (and admittedly watching too much TV..)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
a journey's end
Luna loves the snow!