Where do dog people go? That's right, the dog park.
Upon moving to Eugene, I was ecstatic to learn that it is home to several dog parks, three of which Luna and I have been to. How about the top 10 things about the dog park:
10. Only at a dog park in Eugene will a nine-months pregnant woman be asked, "When is your dog, err, baby due?"
9. I saw a dog leap into a mini pool and promptly projectile vomit his dinner, covering a span of two feet.
8. Everyone loves, and I mean LOVES Luna.
7. In two days I picked over $15 worth of blackberries. Today I made them into a pie filling for later this week.
6. They have a sign up sheet for watering the trees.
5. It's a great place to work on training a dog. Especially off-leash training.
4. The dog park hottie. He's this guy I'm totally infatuated with. Tall, slender but toned, rolls his own cigarettes, dark hair nicely complemented by dark skin, intense eyes, sideburns to squeal about, and he'll play fetch with his dog until his dog is too tired. From what conversations I've eavesdropped on, he seems pretty smart, too.
3. I love dog park hottie so much, he's getting spots four AND three in this list.
2. I get to play with tons of different dogs!
1. Luna can howl to her heart's content.
It's good to see that Luna is still a stick aficianado! Dog park excursions are probably one reason she is so content these days. I'm sure she is a hit at the park---and she struts her cute, enthusiastic stuff all over the place!
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