It is no secret that I'm a left-leaning, freedom-loving, change-desiring peacemonger. In following, it should come as no surprise that I wholeheartedly endorse (not that my endorsement means anything to you or anyone else) Barack Obama for President.
Last night I was moved to tears several times by Michelle Obama's speech to the DNC. I know that these conventions are meticulously planned, and I acknowledge that her speech was probably previewed by TONS of people involved in the campaign before she presented it. However, the words rang true. One of my favorite parts in particular was when she said that THIS time, we can vote with our hopes and not our fears. Since I've been able to vote, I have done so to PREVENT something from happening. I have voted to keep freedom at home. Sadly, the tides always turned the other way, and my faith in and regard for the American people has slowly deteriorated.
I think we, as Americans, have slowly chipped away at what freedom, truth, hope, and honor all mean. It's not entirely our faults either. Led by individuals who haven't always been great role models (Republican, Democrat or otherwise), we as a people don't know WHO or WHAT to turn to for guidance. Some people turn to religion, some turn to their job, some to drugs and many are still looking, shading their eyes in the sunset of freedom as they gaze across the canyon, the abyss.
Well this is my chance and others' chance to look toward the future with our goals and hopes in hand. To me, Obama represents a much needed paradigm shift in our government.
However, this whole election will be marred by the everpresent ignorance of others. People are constantly looking for ways to bring Obama down, and they are getting more and more base with every slackjawed insult they throw his way. I just stumbled across a rather obnoxious blog, with many reasons why they won't vote for Obama. The list was comprised of junior high, petty faultfinding and propaganda, and they only cited other blogs as the basis of their research.
If you disagree with Obama's policies, that's one thing. But please, stop spreading propaganda and lies. You can check yourself HERE.
2 months ago
Well said! I'm sorry I missed last night's telecast of the DNC. I heard that Ted Kennedy's appearance was also emotional.
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