Saturday, September 13, 2008

Palin Frigid to Polar Bears

This (in)famous picture is used by environmentalists everywhere to strike a realization into people's hearts about the real effects of global warming. Oftentimes people are put off by such drastic displays of life and death situations being used to sway opinions and actions. Sadly, it's quite relevant to my blog.

Sarah Palin, my new favorite target, and the state of Alaska have sued the federal government for listing polar bears as a "Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act."

Polar bears were listed as such because of their reliance on sea ice. Not only is this their habitat, but it is the resting place of seals, the entree of choice for polar bears. I think we can all most of us can agree that global warming is a very real issue in which our behavior can make changes. Without change and innovation, the sea ice will disappear and the polar bear population will drastically turn downward.

What does Sarah Palin have to say about this seemingly innocent "threatened species" listing of polar bears? Not only is this finding "not based on sound science" (, but evidently the polar bear population is growing! See:

"In fact, the number of polar bears has risen dramatically over the past 30 years," she said. "Our fear (is) that extreme environmentalists will use this tool, the ESA, to eventually curtail or halt the North Slope production of very rich resources that America needs." --

Yes, some polar bear populations have grown. Steve Amstrup of the U.S. Geological Survey explains this in the Anchorage Daily News:

"Amstrup said bear population trends have sometimes been misunderstood. The numbers have trended upward since the 1960s, he said, as overhunting was stopped internationally and better data became available. But the healthy trend has now been reversed by the new and overwhelming factor of habitat loss."
But the scientists know what they're doing. They're trajectory predicts dire straits (no pun intended) for polar bears.

One MAJOR benefit of placing these animals on the list is more protection of their lands and more scientific research into renewing their habitat via reversing the effects of global warming (ultimately helping US and OUR children).

What resources are being held captive by this new listing?

Oil and gas. Palin's veins run deep with oil, and without it, her prosperity drops. So, much like Bush and Cheney, she places her own self interest and pockets above that of reason, science, and the environment. Am I surprised? Heck no. Are you? You shouldn't be.

And while we're on the topic of "sound science," how about her stance on teaching creationism in school?

I assure you there will be maaayybe just a couple of more political blogs. I really am holding back.


Diane said...

Well said! Again, you are an inspiration and your words are thought-provoking.