Tonight was one of my favorite kinds. Low key, yet not totally lost. My friend called for hobby suggestions, and my responses to her were A) a list of my hobbies or things I frequently do and B) a narration of my evening. I shall share a narration of my evening with you.
I came home from work. I ate leftover pot roast. I talked to roommate for a bit.
Then I went outside and laid on the hammock prepared to read The Handmaid's Tale for my book club. However, I was soon distracted by an insect crawling on my sweater. As I reached to gently remove her, I noticed there were three baby insects hiding underneath her wings. Her wings fluttered at my touch, and the babies moved around, their tiny thumbelina wings gently brushing one another. Slowly one by one, they came off of her back. With one left, the mother flew away, leaving one probably confused insect behind. Eventually it caught its drift and learned to fly. This was probably my favorite part of the evening.
Then I came inside, downloaded some music, broke a potted plant and vacuumed up its soil. I watched Big Brother (I hate everyone on the show). I put on some laundry. Mostly my evening consisted of me doing wikipedia hops from one topic to another, as I began researching the Oregon candidates for senator. There's been a ridiculous amount of well-financed, mudslinging ads by the Republican candidate (surrrrprised?), and I had to get down to the FACTS.
With my hatred of Republican political tactics flared, I looked up more info on Sarah Palin, my new favorite target. I found this article and shared a few choice words and thoughts with my good pal Allegra. She let me pretend to interview her, as she worked on her Teaching Philosophy.
With a renewed interest in invertebrates, I am looking for the name of a bug I saw last year at the Wall of Sound Music Festival. I'm not having much luck....yet. I'm thinking along the lines of an earwig, but I really have no idea.
And as I head to bed, I leave you with a picture of THE BUG. Keep in mind, my camera was still new and I didn't know how to use its special features just yet.
2 months ago
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